Assessoria de Dívida

With decades of experience between team members and business partners, we possess a profound understanding of how financial institutions, both traditional banks and alternative lenders, evaluate the debt capacity of businesses. Leveraging our expertise in Debt Advisory, we have successfully assisted numerous clients in optimising their debt structures, collaborating closely with their accountants and lawyers to model the ideal debt profile for acquisition funding. Our services in this realm encompass the following:

Construindo um caso de negócios atraente: We work meticulously with clients to develop comprehensive business cases that demonstrate earnings normalisation acceptable to lenders. By effectively presenting the financial projections, we enhance the likelihood of obtaining favourable debt financing terms.

Previsões de testes de estresse: Através de análises cuidadosas e testes de estresse, avaliamos a robustez e a viabilidade das projeções financeiras. Este exercício permite-nos antecipar potenciais riscos e desafios e propor estratégias de mitigação para garantir a sustentabilidade da estrutura da dívida.
Testes de convênios: Realizamos testes completos de covenants para avaliar a viabilidade de atender aos requisitos financeiros impostos pelos credores. Ao avaliar a capacidade do negócio de satisfazer os índices de covenants, navegamos estrategicamente no processo de negociação para garantir termos de covenants flexíveis e favoráveis.

Amortisation settings: Our expertise extends to determining optimal amortisation settings for debt facilities. By aligning the repayment structure with the cash flow dynamics and long-term objectives of the business, we help clients minimise financial strain and optimise the utilisation of funds.

Pré-aprovações de empréstimos à habitação: Simplificamos o processo de pré-aprovação de empréstimos à habitação, permitindo aos clientes obter uma compreensão clara da sua capacidade de endividamento antes de iniciarem pesquisas de imóveis. A nossa expertise nesta área permite-nos agilizar o processo de pré-aprovação e proporcionar aos clientes uma vantagem competitiva no mercado imobiliário.

Refinanciamento de linhas de crédito existentes: We offer refinancing solutions for clients seeking to optimise their current loan structures. Through a comprehensive market analysis, we identify opportunities for lower interest rates or improved loan terms, ultimately helping clients reduce costs and achieve their financial goals.

Refinance and restructure owner-occupied home loans or investment property loans for equity utilisation: We assist clients in unlocking the potential equity in their owner-occupied homes or investment properties. By refinancing and restructuring loan facilities, we provide clients with the means to utilise their equity for personal or investment purposes.

At 2M Capital Partners, our extensive experience, broad lender network, and personalised approach enable us to deliver tailored mortgage solutions that align with the unique requirements of each client.

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